Ton Corps – Ma Terre – Tatiana Spivakova Directed and written by Tatiana Spivakova.Using text extracts from Mahmoud Darwich.Artistic collaboration Tamara Al Saadi Directing assistant Shadya KarbalAdministration and productionGaspard Vandromme & Coline Bec WithHayet Darwich, Maly Diallo, LuanaDuchemin, Alexandre Ruby, RaymondHosny, Yacir Rami Light creation Cristobal CastilloSound creation Malo ThouémentMusical creation Yacir RamiScenography Salma BordesCostumes… Continue reading Ton Corps – Ma Terre – Tatiana Spivakova
Tag: second hand
Scales June 2017 – April 2020Wallpaper, silicon and cotton threads, beads, paper and paraffin wax. Wadding, blue polyester knit. I collaborated with the Material Science Institute of Mulhouse (IS2M), to observe samples of natural elements under powerful microscopes and become amazed by the scales present on butterfly wings. I started to research a shape that… Continue reading Scales
Passagères – Tatiana Spivakova
Passagères – Tatiana Spivakova Written by Daniel Besnehard, with Anna Akhmatova’s poemsDirected by Tatiana Spivakova. With: Catherine Gandois, Sarah Jane Sauvegrain, Vincent Bramoullé Scenography by Salma BordesLights by Cristobal CastilloSound effects by Malo Thouément.Produced by 984 production It was played in the theatre Le Lucernaire (Paris) from January 29th 2020 to March 17th 2020. The… Continue reading Passagères – Tatiana Spivakova