Ton Corps – Ma Terre – Tatiana Spivakova

Ton Corps – Ma Terre – Tatiana Spivakova

Directed and written by Tatiana Spivakova.
Using text extracts from Mahmoud Darwich.
Artistic collaboration Tamara Al Saadi

Directing assistant Shadya Karbal
Administration and production
Gaspard Vandromme & Coline Bec

Hayet Darwich, Maly Diallo, Luana
, Alexandre Ruby, Raymond
, Yacir Rami

Light creation Cristobal Castillo
Sound creation Malo Thouément
Musical creation Yacir Rami
Scenography Salma Bordes
Costumes Laurane Le Goff
Stage control Marion Koechlin

It was played at Théâtre Public de Montreuil from the 10th to the 28th of January 2023 in the Salle Maria Casarès

With her poetic theatre, the author and director Tatiana Spivakova tell us the fragmented trajectory of a woman who fights for the resurrection of her soul mate, plunged into a coma.

Sitting on a plane for a journey, we can’t tell if it is from a way or return, a woman invokes her memory in the hope of a reparation, a reconciliation with her past. The audience is projected in a hospital, where she faces her men, unconscious. She engaged in dialogue with the absent, writes, talked, and read Mahmoud Darwich’s poems. The poet in exile becomes a salvation presence and the mirror in which patient and stranger are refected.

Joué au Théatre Poulaire de Montreuil, CDN du 10 au 28 Janvier 2023, Salle Maria Casarès.

Avec son théâtre poétique, l’autrice et metteuse en scène Tatiana Spivakova nous raconte la trajectoire morcelée d’une femme qui se bat pour le retour à la vie de l’être aimé, plongé dans le coma.

Assise dans l’avion pour un voyage dont on ne saurait dire si c’est un aller ou un retour, une femme convoque ses souvenirs dans l’espoir d’une réparation, d’une réconciliation avec le passé. Nous sommes projetés à l’hôpital où elle fait face à son homme inconscient. Elle entame alors un dialogue avec l’absent, lui écrit, lui parle, lui lit des œuvres de Mahmoud Darwich. La figure du poète en exil devient une présence salvatrice et le miroir dans lequel le patient et l’étranger se reflètent.


The concept

Design by Laurane Le Goff

In this play, we are inside “Her” head: we follow her perception of the world, of the people around her etc… Everything is poetic, melancholic. The contrast between “Her” and “Him”, between dream and reality is at the centre of the play. I proposed costumes sobre, but impactful focussed on a contrast between orange and blue: hot and cold, life and death. Shapes stay contemporary, with a majority of things that can be bought and dyed, transformed. To have only plain colours with this contrast offer a realist but intriguing ambiance.