
Headdress September 2017 – Coton canvas, batiste cotton, cotton veil Inspiration model from 1770. FASHION – Une histoire de la mode du XVIIIe au XXe siècle (Akiko Fukai) Taschen, 2002. Inspired by the XVIII century headdresses. Modernization of the shapes and patterns realize by casting. Pleats made by hand, handkerchief hem. Technical challenges:CastingVolumesPleatsCasing

Volume and materials

Volume and materials The origin of this project is a raincoat from the nineties. I dismantled it, arranged the pieces in a different order, and started to question the pattern as the matrice of something reproducible. Same pattern, three materials Due to the characteristics of each material, I assembled the pieces in different ways, trying… Continue reading Volume and materials

Fragile – Le Séchoir

Fragile – Le Séchoir 155cm x 75 cm, June 2015, Polyester muslin and cotton engraving printings, tulle underskirt. «No(w) Future» workshop’s project.Exhibition at le Séchoir, Mulhouse (France), from June 5th 2015 to July 14th 2015. The exhibition emerged from an intense week in November 2014, when the students went into immersion in the natural reserve… Continue reading Fragile – Le Séchoir